11 hour days, 12, maybe even 13...Physically draining, yes, menatlly challenging, of kourse...but unwavered, undoubtedly. A long time ago I embraced the fact that hard work is rewarded, but its not a given that I would recieve anthing for konducting myself in a positive and productive way. Pops was klear with his beliefs for my brother and I to be outstanding, but not with arrogance, or in a boastful manner, but with konsitency and the mindset to grow from your life and its experiences. With this mindset though, I found it easy to become a strain of koncieted, because I take well to things and I learn and execute fast, but ill korrect anyone quick, with; Is it not ok to be proud??? Should I not enjoy the fruits of my labor and just as much the labor put in to reach those fruits...regardless of what most believe, where to be prideful is sinful...smh...this is a shallow mind state to me...Should I not be proud of where I am, where Im from, and where I am going??? YES I should, you should too!!!
So, as you frown upon klocking in, or getting up early for work...smile because of kourse everyone doesn't have a job but also because we must realize that a bigger goal is ahead, a greater kause is whats driving you, and if you dont have a bigger success and more goals to achieve, do a self assesment, look yourself in the mirror and ask; What do I want from myself for myself??? This answer will lead you to understand what it will take to get the things you desire. Right now, I have this question on my things to do list everyday of my life. It helps you focus and stay on a charted path, because turbelence and konstruction will alter your path many times...but remember that goal you set and remind yourself daily, hourly if you need...but what you want to gain from it, is that inspiration from within so the bullshit, and naysayers wont bother you. With this type of mental and attitude, the question of What do I want from myself for myself???" will allow you to have klear answers for not only yourself but what you kan do for the people, society and world around you...
To address the lack of posts;
I haven't posted anything in quite some time, but not because of lack of thoughts or words to express but sometime I have to be discrete with what I decide to post...but a friend spoke these words to me..."why not speak your mind freely, dont fear the perception if you deal with reality..." Seemimgly quite profound, well, I thought so...It really went deeper than my ear drums, I took it, internalized it and will not allow my "unreadiness" to express whatever I may feel and how I feel it...
stay tuned...
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